

   Curruculum vitae.      Elämän tapahtumien tapahtuessa …..    

Kaisa o Nieminen ,     Syntynyt   1979   Helsinki 


Collage , Itäkeskuksen lukio 1996-1999 

Art academic ( AMK ) , Turku , photography     2000-2004-5 photography * 

Nature school : osara ammatti instituutti Iisakki osara ; nature companies  2007-2009. ( graduated 2009 ; eatable flowers )     Plus include yrtti neuvoja , sienineuvoja ! 


Art exhibitions.  Koskettava alku                  taival johonkin tulevaan    ————-

  Koneisto 2002   ” he ”.  - Elektronisia runoja , kaapelitehdas 

 kaari , yhteis näyttely 2001 

  - ” musta valko kuva harjoituksia ”! 


Yhteis näyttelyt kuva näyttelyt 

Väri kuva harjoituksia ; ” punainen mekko ”. Manilla 2003. 

Amex Euroopassa ; netti mainos näyttely ;  ” Pariisi ”.   Mainos company    2005 

———-   Oikea elämä ———  

Yksityis näyttely  


  2015 ,   ” alone by the sea ”. Exhibition music and open diary to read !  

( indie pien levy yhtiö/ my space - julkaisut;  my space promotions and eco life promotions my space ; healing heart  Work space with eatable flowers ; ele loe.  2007 , Kemiön saari.   ) 

Past art shows pictures and introductions ;    

Click the link —->


Certifications.  Diploma.   Other. ;   

  - order graduation certification   


Special skills ; spesification ;  skills

( Drawing ordinary level )       

        Photoshop ; ordinary level    

Music ; 

Order dark crysted piano intuitive piano & song for sivilised places and sivilised meetings ; 


Kaisadora justice ; dark crysted shows in sivilised places ! 


Art school week work shops . Order ! ( email see card ) 

Art academy.   

Kaisadora justice 

work shop week ;   

First day ; monday ! 

1 art and insanity and society the historian 

of arts Connection  to insanity !  Speaches ! 

3 hours 

Includes sykiatria and wars and all insane things 

that sell and insanity and trippini indians drugs sykosid 

Picassoa admited insanity humanisti Area all that is insanity  

Second  day ; 

2 sanity And Health personality  Type analysis 

Are you insane sane insane from the insane. 

That introduction of sanity and Health the filosophy the 

sosiologi and resylt to sign and how it is correct ! And also kealaisuus And into Kdj think so !   From sanity and Health to Kdj kealaisuus !  

2 hours 

Then work sanity and Health work shop —-   Task is —- >.   

What if my self went insane what is there to Express through pictute the sykosid inner space as insane ! Or of your self as insane !    Dont use hard drugs only mild cannabis or other herbs or use hunger it drive insane !   

( or other Tasks ! From ten to choose ) 

Third day is independent work to this task 

And Forth day also 


Critic ! Lets see your work !  

           Soon …… - 


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