Kaisadora justice   , KDJ 

                                     filo-sosiology-photography arts-sanity theories and sanity doctoring x     

As green thinker i … 




     Green thinker   KDJ  

Kaisadora justice  

                                     filo-sosiology-photography arts-sanity theories and sanity doctoring     

( sosioloky Filosofy arts photography cinema music politics & utopias , health care, psykiatria ) 

- Yoga beginners yoga ( 9 years )  

- Intuitive pianist ( ele loe and other music science)  

-Art photo ( trash being arts etc )  

- Husky asker - health freaks ( green stuff and diets - eatable flowers etc )   

( ——> results —— sand health is NOW HOT NEW FRUIT !  )     


As a green  thinker i run also - work shop to art school formats !   My Thinker or this work is. From insanity. And.  Art    !   & How   Insanity   Is. Handled  In society   By mental Health care - what is insanity And art and what is lobotomia answer and what is sykiatria ; it is lobotomia answer ! I have created the correct answer : sanity and Health  :? where a winner is becoming a miljonaire is private ;is NOt lobotomia answer !   

I have insanity final work speach of how society handle insanity ’ how you just cup of aurvedic Tea / healing talk And if Its money your money done ! 

Bye life works speach to art school edjucation  - 
"- Its the put down party from people who  dont even know you but battle you down from one pimple ! Or serious level adult trash who put down people ! 


Kdj.     Has.   Work space room lets see that had produced   

The. Mentioned. Health store SAND HEALTH  



             Sand Health 

First of all sand Health has filosophical  foundation on sosiologiaan life work and analysos and study of mental Health care by Kdj - sosiologi photography , from 2020 year life works and analytic works for ( art academy Turku ) in the founders and owner of sand Health , Kaisa o Nieminen life works . The sosiologiaan analysis is from voulentaired medication and solutions on to largely seen topic insanity engeneral is sykiatria kritisism as lobotomic level of care ! Is born the analysis and the judgements  and the political filosofialle school is born into in this contemplation  into to be kealaisuus ( compare  stoalaisuus ) and the religional answer inlife is crysted ( see more of frustration in society at other writings ) the foundational space of sand Health is agaisnt serious crime. towards human  Health care freedom and Health care decisions.  

The store consist of accepting  Healthy sykoterapy  and developping it forwards into salong girls who sell communication for well being of food Jobs friends !  

       And other foundational element is Base Café that solute to well being any pour soul in totally freedom of choose well being  or not as inportant freedom component  ( see Base Café ) 


The products to Health care are laboratorion accepted vitamin mineral products and other highly  intellectual  chosen product for absolution of no bull shit on fine medicine of absolution to function !  

The sand and Health magazine is politically  hot green life party that rare to claim freedom and party ! To offer social respo projects in arts and music and hearing  the call deeper knowledge to mental Health care situation as co temporary and in only need of medical attention on sosial respo projects for menally ill!  

Sand Health offer ofcourse sexual problem solutins , that is one service on Base Café and Many Many more services ! 

Sand Health is based on sanity kontrol that promise amazing level into white moon new age and other therapy has to offer in this world Many functioning sanity kontrolled Health care services !  


Sand Health  

  • filosophy and religion based Health store 
  • Include green propaganda magazine - blog with social respo projects ( to mental health care ) green life party
  • Offer all into well service to Job appartment  medicine cabinet and all mini fixed
  • Offer well being salong level girls 
  • Has highly passed tests amaxing Health products 
  • Offer also some deco ( relative to feng shui ) and diet and well being consulting and stylist and blossomming  services 
  • Magazine has political opinions around Health care fin scandinavia 
  • Sand Health know all between young and old and well into horror and limit judgements on sanity kontrol ! All are welcome with any interest ( but criminality to prisons ! ) 
  • Sand and  Health VIP clubs are how ever for Health freaks that pass control ! And crysted ofcourse . 

See your self ! Aply to work for sand Health 

Or just bye your Health back in life of what ever challenges !  


Sand Health offer quality only and has created Many solutions to quality like mini rich - medium - or rich or mega  rich OR ARE YOU WALK - life solutions !  In mini rich and sanity and vanity services your need to quality is understood and that trash-Shoes offer you anything but hardship in life !  Quality shoes are not hard to find with sand Health ! 

Sand Health is against hardships in life !  


Ps sand health is scandinavian so it knows you need body protection on level foundation ! Your fur & hair and cosmetic blossom programs  and other ( by sand Health )  will seriously bring you body victory !    



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